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Dear Students,

A physiotherapist is a healthcare professional who plans, implements, and re-evaluates physiotherapy and rehabilitation programs using profession-specific assessment, evaluation, and examination methods to correct or minimize pain and functional impairments caused by injuries, illnesses, musculoskeletal disorders, or other conditions. They aim to enhance the quality of life of individuals, improve their functional limitations, reduce pain, and optimize their abilities. They also design appropriate exercises/preventive programs to maintain the health of healthy individuals. Physiotherapists possess professional autonomy.

The goal of our department is to produce graduates who integrate knowledge with skills, are specialized in various areas, knowledgeable, innovative, and research-oriented, considering the needs of our country and region. With the importance we place on scientific studies, we aim to form a productive and idealistic team to become the best in our field. We believe that we can achieve all these goals by utilizing our creativity and hard work in our profession.

Upon completing the 4-year Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation program, our students will have the opportunity to work in various fields, primarily orthopedics, pediatrics, and neurology, with a strong set of skills. Additionally, if desired, our students can complete a 1-year preparatory program and graduate in 5 years. Our university supports our students through Erasmus+, Mevlana, and Farabi programs with an international perspective that adheres to international standards.

Our university's vision, along with our practical and English-intensive program, will enable you, as valuable students, to make a difference in the field upon graduation. As the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, we look forward to welcoming you with our expert team.

With love and respect,

Asst. Prof. Oğuzhan Bahadır DEMİR Head of the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation